Saturday, October 18, 2008

"Just an animal"...another rant

I am really sick and tired of uncaring people that say "it's just an animal". Well, you're "just a person". It's really demeaning, isn't it? No living being is that worthless. We all have meaning..and feelings, but people seem to forget that. Just like we should care for our fellow man, we also need to think about the other living things that we hurt every single day.

We do things that are not natural. Like the argument that all animals eat meat and we are all part of the food chain..yes, I agree. This is true, but non-human animals kills their food with their own bare hands (or paws or claws). They don't take other species and test on them so they can  come up with a medicine for their cold, which was probably caused by the drugs that they poisoned their food with...Why don't we learn to live with nature and not against it? Maybe (well, not really maybe but FOR SURE) we wouldn't be in the predicament that we are in right now. It's time to start caring!

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