Sunday, December 28, 2008

Rodeo Abuse

Rodeo Abuse
Originally uploaded by Vegan Butterfly
For all of you rodeo fans, this abusive footage was shot by one of my flickr friends. RODEOS ABUSE ANIMALS! This is NOT entertainment at all! I just don't understand how people want to be treated equally, but will go to a rodeo and watch animals get tied up and eventually killed, not to mention how they shock the bulls to get them crazy before opening the gate. It's just sickening and if we want to keep living in this world, we need to change our evil ways and start respecting ALL life.

This is what baffles me...someone like Sarah Pallin, who is 100 percent "pro-life". She doesn't believe in killing a baby that is still an embryo, but she can happily participate in these kinds of events. I am not saying that I have seen her at a rodeo, but I would be willing to bet my own life on it that if one came to her town, she would be right in the front row. How does one explain the hippocrisy?

PLEASE do NOT support rodeos!

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