Thursday, December 25, 2008

Factor's Deli

Originally uploaded by neonspecs
I found this photo posted on Flickr and it brought back memories, some good, some bad...

I used to work at Factor's Deli for two and a half years, from March 1999 to October 2001. It was my last job in Los Angeles. It's a very stressful place, but one of the best delis in L.A. The owners are all a little crazy but for the most part, nice people. The same goes for a lot of the people that work there and there are people that have been there for a million years.

Suzee, one of the owners, used to get so stressed out and chase everyone around, driving them crazy and getting in the way of them doing their jobs. Quite a few times, I had to lash out at her because I couldn't take it...and I am not the only one!

Despite the madness, whenever I go to visit my family and friends in L.A. now, I always like to go in and say hello. The food is really good, though I don't think there is much that I can eat there anymore since becoming vegan...

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