Sunday, December 28, 2008

Rodeo Abuse

Rodeo Abuse
Originally uploaded by Vegan Butterfly
For all of you rodeo fans, this abusive footage was shot by one of my flickr friends. RODEOS ABUSE ANIMALS! This is NOT entertainment at all! I just don't understand how people want to be treated equally, but will go to a rodeo and watch animals get tied up and eventually killed, not to mention how they shock the bulls to get them crazy before opening the gate. It's just sickening and if we want to keep living in this world, we need to change our evil ways and start respecting ALL life.

This is what baffles me...someone like Sarah Pallin, who is 100 percent "pro-life". She doesn't believe in killing a baby that is still an embryo, but she can happily participate in these kinds of events. I am not saying that I have seen her at a rodeo, but I would be willing to bet my own life on it that if one came to her town, she would be right in the front row. How does one explain the hippocrisy?

PLEASE do NOT support rodeos!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

This sickens me!

So there is a pet shop by my house in Astoria, right on Steinway Street, that sells tons of puppies. It seems like every other day that we walk by, there are new ones and now, they are having a puppy sale. Am I the only one that thinks this is just terribly wrong??? How many people are so fucking stupid and don't know that the dogs are from puppy mills??? The biggest problem is that the puppies are so damn adorable...I would love to see this place shut down!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Stupid me!

So, I was rushing around this morning to get to work on time (I am not used to working during the day anymore...or as of late, working at all!) and I was trying to do everything quickly and efficiently. I got us chewable multi-vitamins at the health food store the other day and they taste really nasty, making anyone wonder why they would make them chewable anyways if they were tasting so nasty...they are also giant-sized. I am the idiot who decided that I would just swallow it and get it over with quickly. So, along with my iron pill, I threw it in my mouth and took a swig of water. Well, the big, fat, stinky pill got stuck in my throat! It was painful and, being the hypocrondriac that I am, I thought that it might kill me...and to top it all off, I HAD to leave for work! I had just finished making some oatmeal, which I couldn't eat because swallowing hurt like hell...

All the way to work, everytime I swallowed while on the train, I tried to think happy thoughts, like the pill being such luck. I got to work and started working and finally, about ten minutes later, I was able to swallow without pain. I could slightly taste the vitamin, but it wasn't too bad...

So, the bottom line is...I have learned a valuable lesson: if it  says CHEWABLE, chew it and don't just swallow the nasty thing!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Jessie's present

Jessie's present
Originally uploaded by altermood
So my mom sent a package the other day, all with stuff for jessie and
she stuck her big, fat nose right in the box...

Sent from mi telefono de apple

Expedition Everest

Expedition Everest 3
Originally uploaded by
If you ever get to Disney's Animal Kingdom in Orlando, you have to go on this ride. We went on it when our cruise stopped in Orlando in April 2008, and it was just so much fun! I think it's even better than space mountain, the matterhorn and thunder mountain!


Downtown LA
Originally uploaded by honeybeejen
I have been in New York for almost seven years and it's been over seven years since I left the "homeland", Los Angeles. I had lived there pretty much my whole life, up until 2001, apart from the four months I lived in New York before back in 1989 and the two weeks that I made a mistake and moved to Las Vegas in 1992. It was a lifestyle that I had known all too well..the sun, traffic, beautiful weather and eye-stinging smog...somedays, I do miss it, though it's been such a long time, It almost seems like another life. But whenever I go out to visit, it all comes back to me...and after a few days, apart from missing my family and friends out there, I find myself missing my adopted home, New York City!

Factor's Deli

Originally uploaded by neonspecs
I found this photo posted on Flickr and it brought back memories, some good, some bad...

I used to work at Factor's Deli for two and a half years, from March 1999 to October 2001. It was my last job in Los Angeles. It's a very stressful place, but one of the best delis in L.A. The owners are all a little crazy but for the most part, nice people. The same goes for a lot of the people that work there and there are people that have been there for a million years.

Suzee, one of the owners, used to get so stressed out and chase everyone around, driving them crazy and getting in the way of them doing their jobs. Quite a few times, I had to lash out at her because I couldn't take it...and I am not the only one!

Despite the madness, whenever I go to visit my family and friends in L.A. now, I always like to go in and say hello. The food is really good, though I don't think there is much that I can eat there anymore since becoming vegan...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Washing dog-stained sheets

I am standing by the dryers at the laundromat, just watching the clothes go round and round in circles. This has got to be the most boring repetitive chore ever! I have to say that having my iPhone with all of the entertainment sure helps!

I had to wash the sheets that the pain in the ass dog soiled when she peed on the bed..twice! I don't believe it's intentional, though. It just leaks out when someone ( I won't name names...) gets her ruled up when she hadn't Been outside for awhile and is ready. The first time was on saturday and I was laying on the bed and she jumped up and it just came streaming out right in front of my face and then she jumped over me and more dripped out on the side of my face...disgusting! I had just taken a shower and had to run and take another one, scrubbing my face and hair ( what little I have left, anyways...). Looking back at it now, I can laugh and hope this is the end of this crap. We know what not to do now...