Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Reason To Get Up In The Morning

So, it's been close to a month since I have been unemployed (apart from working one day last week..) and it seems like the generally concensus of being unemployed is depression. I can see how it's easy to fall into it, as I have been close to it lately, but there are a few things that are keeping me going. The main thing is Jessie, our dog. Just the happiness and excitement from her makes me happy and it stops me from thinking about how bleak it is and "Will I ever work 
again?" and just from going crazy. We take a really long walk almost every day, usually between an hour and two hours long. Another thing also helping me to keep sane is going to the gym regularly at least five days a week, like I did when I was working. I know that it's easy to fall out of that, too, but I force myself to make an effort and it is mentally and physically paying off. I just pray that this economy starts picking up soon....

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