Thursday, April 30, 2009

Unemployed but not dead

Being a direct victim of the economy crash, you would expect one to be pretty down having been unemployed three times in the Past year. It's getting really old, but I am trying to be optimistic about the whole situation. I am so tired of working third shift and I feel like each time I take a job working that dreadful shift, It takes another year or two off of my life. When I am on that shift, I try so hard to workout and eat as well as I could so as not to upset my body's biorhythms anymore than they already are from being up all night. Of course if I have to work another job on that shift, I will do it for now because I have to work.

I am trying not to let it get to me but going on like normal with my life and my travelling obsession. I am planning a trip to new Zealand for next year, which is definitely doable!

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