Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Problems with Organized Religion

I was born Jewish, but ever since a young age, have rebelled against it. I just knew, even back then, that there was too much that I didn't agree with. This doesn't mean that I don't respect the anyone's choice to practice their religion, BUT when it infringes on MY  human rights or the rights of animals, I have a serious problem..and this is my problem. It seems that the Mormon church was heavily involved in pushing California's Proposition 8 through, which is the proposition to overturn the state's decision to legalize gay marriage, calling it unconstitutional. Now, in a world where the economy has become terrible and there is hunger and homelessness all around us everywhere you look, the Mormon church AND the Catholic church have raised millions of dollars to support this proposition to show people that homosexuality is wrong and people that are gay have made that choice and they don't deserve the right to get married if they are in love. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that religions are usually based on the teachings of their gods, or whatever, and they are taught to love and respect your fellow man...Am I wrong?? Now, this to me does not sound like love and respect.

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